Invention for Destruction

Invention for Destruction

Punk Film has produced the restoration of Czech most successful film in history and is a co-founder of Karel Zeman Museum.

Director Karel Zeman

Country of production CZ

Restoring the World of Fantasy project

The most successful Czechoslovakian film in history, which became a global phenomenon in 1958. In New York alone it was screened simultaneously in 96 cinemas. This fantasy adventure won a number of prestigious awards, including the Grand Prix at EXPO 58 in Brussels. This is the first of Zeman's films to be inspired by Jules Verne, in which the director tries out a new style of art direction, which he was later to develop even further. The story-book sets, striking design and innovative music of Zdeněk Liška – all contribute to the unique appearance of this thrilling story with its anti-war subtext. The black and white narrative is deeply influenced by the classic engravings of Édouard Riou and Léon Bennett - the original illustrators of Verne's novels. The digital restoration of the film Invention for Destruction is a part of the project Restoring The World of Fantasy. Restoring The World of Fantasy is a joint project of Karel Zeman Museum, The Czech Film Foundation, and Czech Television.